Why Cardano for Governance
It's simple: Cardano has the same altruistic mission as us
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It's simple: Cardano has the same altruistic mission as us
Last updated
There are many reasons why we chose Cardano. Here are just some of the reasons:
Cardano has a very low carbon footprint, low energy consumption and strives to continue to reduce its carbon footprint
Cardano has a sustainable growth model and wants to attract projects of value to the blockchain
Cardano's mission is to allow possibilities for billions of people worldwide through its platform
The Cardano ecosystem and infrastructure is founded on scientific peer reviews (over 100)
Cardano being Proof of Stake (PoS) means that gas fees and transactions aren't subject to ridiculous gas fees (fees taken for confirming transactions)
To find out more about why Checkpoint is on the Cardano blockchain, please read our Medium article below
To find out more about Cardano click the link below: