Checkpoint Learning

Although all of our learning materials are currently free, Checkpoint will be implementing a subscription model when the new site is launched. All Teacher Lesson Packs will be split into MASTER and EXTENSION lessons. The MASTER plans will always be available and free to use, with the extension lessons needing a subscription. The MASTER lessons will have all the resources you need to teach a full, 45-minute lesson for that subject matter, while EXTENSION lessons will build on MASTER lessons.

All the content will continue to be fully resourced and quality assured. This is part of a wider plan to centralise Checkpoint's content and to allow for teachers to choose the elements they want. This will roll out with the new site in 2023.

Access to the wider database of lessons will only be available to schools with subscriptions. Annual subscription for one school and with access to all content: £1000/annum.

Checkpoint has also created a Career Development Plan (CPD) - a module taken by teachers to further their personal development. This course teaches teachers how to write lesson plans like ours and how to identify the learning opportunities in games. The course will host six teachers at a time and will last for two days. The two day course will cost £650 GPB/teacher.

Checkpoint expects to have 25 schools onboard by 2023. Gross revenue for 2023/24 £25,000 GBP - with a focus of onboarding new teachers

Checkpoint expects to start delivering the CPD in 2023/24.

Last updated