Checkpoint Governance Token



Token: Governance

Ticker: LOAD

Blockchain: ADA

Staking: YES

Burning: NO

Buy Back: YES

Vesting period: 1 - 6 months


Basic outline:

LOAD token holders not only have voting rights, but also can earn money from:

  • Dividend payouts

  • Revenue sharing

  • Engage-to-Earn

LOAD token holders will benefit most as the business grows (see Engage-to-Earn). Checkpoint has multiple touch points and external revenue streams, so investors can be assured more stability in the bear markets as Checkpoint operates as a media company with crypto only a part of its portfolio.

Being Safe:

Although not necessary, Checkpoint is undergoing registration with the Financial Conduct Authority to make sure it complies with anti-money laundering laws and adheres to trading laws. Checkpoint will shortly announce its dedicated Compliance Officer and all the necessary policy frameworks will be available publicly once completed. This registration process can take up to six months in some cases, but it's important to note that Checkpoint has already started and will announce once complete. Crypto markets are unpredictable and volatile and Checkpoint wants to assure its investors that it takes all necessary precautions to protect the business and its investors.

To find out more about the FCA and why Checkpoint is choosing to register, click the link below:


LOAD holders have the right to vote on initiatives related to the management of CHECKPOINT funds from a predetermined set of development targets.

Token buy-back and self-funding:

Checkpoint will buy back tokens to enable better liquidity, stability and confidence in the token. By committing a percentage of all advertising revenue from ad sales, Checkpoint can help to stabilise the price of the token. But not only does it help maintain stability, Checkpoint will then distribute a percentage of said allocated revenue as effective dividends to all its stake holders. It is proposed this will be done in stable coins (USDC, USDT or other) to maintain the integrity of the token, but to also reward holders with stable coins which is not tied directly to Checkpoint, giving them the option of whether to continue to invest their earnings in Checkpoint or to take profit.

Investment commitments:

Checkpoint has been funded solely by Tamer Asfahani. $175,000 USD has been invested personally by Tamer $60,000 USD has been invested by friends and family.

These figures don't account for time or salary remuneration - funds have been used only for the development of the business and its infrastructure.

Last updated